Saturday, August 4, 2012

Baby Blanket Pillow Pal

Last year when I was in a lakeside apartment I could hear tweets and squawks out my window from a half mile down the hill and made infinite pillows to keep myself from rolling off the bedframe and onto the floor. I gave some away as birthday gifts, one to keep a new home warm, one to keep a bench butt-safe, and others stuck around and were patched and washed and slept on by many guests. I like making simple quick projects because it serves utility and makes me feel accomplished at the same time. Instant pillowfication, you know?

Cousins with more baking buns need a new blanket to add to their stash, I'm sure, and baby might like the soft backing on this (courtesy of the now depleted free box), finished a few days ago:

And two more pillows for the collection, thanks to a ripped sheet, blue and white mimic-eyelit stash from long ago, leftovers from a roommate's project, and a torn and discarded pillow case from the middle room.

Oh, and it just rained for two minutes! What is going on, cloud cover?