This will serve as a reference for the things I would like to accomplish this summer, and for ever I guess because one summer seems like a pitiful amount of time
* paint and set up recycling bins in my garage, including cleaning out the garage of all the clutter
* decoupage my dresser with this new wrapping paper I bought
* make a set of lady-bug bibs for my cousin
* make a number of grocery tote bags and distribute them to my friends and family (any takers?)
*knit a few scarves from yarn that I bought on sale for about 2 bucks a skein at Michael's (look up free online patterns here)
*organize all of my craft supplies into a large clean bin that is currently half empty
*sew and repair a variety of items in my closet that need some TLC
*send a collection of shoes away to Shoes for Souls
*finish photo projects that I have been wanting to do / complete
*turn my fabric remnants into useful things
*properly frame all of my pictures on my wall (some are crudely stapled in, my aura is totally suffering!) just kidding.
*visit Baltimore for a week if possible
*pay off one of my credit cards
*make all of the recipes that I have found but have been too hesitant to try (avocado ice cream, fresh cheese, something carbonara)
*finish outer-space themed mobile that has been on my desk for months
*read at least 15 books off of my shelf
*plant and grow tomatoes and blueberries
*go blueberry picking until my own grow
*other sewing projects: place mats with knit trim, felt stars, long hair scarves - possibly patchwork, more quilts with the remaining batting I have, huge throw pillows for my bed, use this model to make little girls' dresses,
This week has gone by quickly, I've been working every day with the exception of today which I used to recuperate from Kristen's party last night. I fell asleep for the majority of the ride home from Tampa with a coffee cup in my hands; doesn't do much good without drinking it.
Kiki and I spent the afternoon together on Wednesday and we went swimming in my pool.
The first day that we had the spa, I fell in it with all of my clothes on, while balancing along the edge and a picture exists somewhere of me on that day with wet hair and a clean dress. The caption of the back reads "Katie fell in the spa, she has no panties on".
I found an old salad dryer/spinner at Salvation Army as well as a good pair of 10g plastic knitting needles, a pretty blue tin with sunflowers all over it, a Corningware casserole dish, and some purple heels with snakeskin embelishments on the sides. That sounds like a disaster but they're great and they were half off.